Welcome to the Town of Wildedale, Vermont!

Mayor Teodolio Quince, 1894
Our beautiful town tucked in the heart of the countryside is home to generations of hardworking, eccentric, and Wildedale proud individuals who make this town thrive and survive to its fullest potential.Back in 1894, Wildedale's founder, Teodolio Quince, fought the good fight for equality between human, non-human, and hybrid beings after centuries of secrecy and excommunicated living out of fear of being poached by humans.Diplomacy and political efforts by Quince secured an expansive plot of land reserved just for people of his kind which officially became the Town of Wildedale, Quince serving as the very first mayor.Throughout the years, humans have become more accepting of the existence of hybrid and supernatural beings, but Wildedale has remained predominantly occupied by non-humans with very few humans visiting or residing within.The residents of Wildedale have built the town from the ground up, maintaining the town affairs and remaining essentially self-sustaining from the rest of the world around them.Whether human or not, Wildedale will welcome you with open arms!
Wildedale Residents
Wildedale Residents

SPECIES: bull demihuman
AGE: 56
ORIGIN: wildedale
OCCUPATION: mayor of wildedale
LIKES: black coffee, wildedale, his family, sweets
DISLIKES: troublemakers, biased people, rude humans
Walter was the first mayor of Wildedale to be officially elected into the seat by the people in 2006 after his late father vacated the position due to old age.The Quince men have generationally inherited the mayoral position in the past until Wildedale adopted a more democratic system in which residents could vote to elect a mayor as a collective. But the love for the kind-hearted Quince family over the generations had Walter winning the election with 100% of the votes.Walter has carried that love and trust for the last 18 years and makes sure not a day goes by that he does not return that love to all of Wildedale in the way he cares for the town and its people.
His brother, Felix, and nephew, Teo, are his only living relatives and he loves them more than anything in the world.Walter never married despite his family oriented nature. Years of learning the ropes of mayoral duties from his grandfather and father left him little time to pursue matters of the heart, and even now in his old age, he would love to be a husband and a father.
"Everyone has a place here in Wildedale"
Wildedale Residents

SPECIES: tiger demihuman
AGE: 49
ORIGIN: wildedale
OCCUPATION: sheriff of wildedale
LIKES: his son, wildedale, his job, beer
DISLIKES: crime, Finley, humans
Like the mayoral seat, the position of sheriff has been passed down through generations. Amos' father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and so on, served as Wildedale's sheriff and he became a deputy under his father at the age of 21.Amos married his wife Tanya, who he grew up with, when he was 23, and at age 29, he and Tanya had Will. When Will was only 14, Tanya was killed by a group of anti-demi humans while she was on a trip outside of Vermont. Amos has harbored a hatred for humans ever since. Due to his continuous grieving, his relationship with Will became strained.He and Finley have an ongoing rivalry and he tends to lose his patience with the fox-demi more often than not, but it keeps him busy, so he continues to pursue.Amos is a good man, but he has a hard time controlling his temper sometimes, unresolved feelings about the loss of his wife keeping him from being level-minded. He hates that about himself, but you can't teach an old cat, new tricks.
"You been hanging around humans? There's a special place in hell for folk like you."
Wildedale Residents

SPECIES: tiger demihuman
AGE: 22
ORIGIN: wildedale
OCCUPATION: wildedale deputy
LIKES: being at home, being off duty, salty foods
DISLIKES: being a deputy, talkative people, the thought of becoming sheriff one day
Will is not like most of the Wildedale residents in that he's not all that proud to partake in the role bestowed upon him through birth.Even as a child, he had no interest in becoming law enforcement even when seeing the heart and vigor his elder paternal figures put into the position.Will just didn't want to be bothered.After the death of his mother, Tanya, when he was 14, Will had to deal with his father, Amos' prolonged grief. Will dealt with his mother's death the same way as he did with everything, pushing it down, ignoring it, and staying the hell away from other people to avoid feeling that loss ever again. The only person he could ever consider a friend since childhood was Teo.While Will understood his father's grief, it put a strain on their relationship and Will tends to remain as distanced from his father as he can outside of his duty as the sheriff's deputy.
"Don't mind my dad. He's not angry, he's just an asshole."
Wildedale Residents

SPECIES: bull demihuman
AGE: 49
ORIGIN: wildedale
OCCUPATION: owner of the general store
LIKES: his son, being needed, reality tv, working the general store, his family
DISLIKES: his ex wife, feeling left out, the thought of becoming mayor
Felix has always been proud to be Walter's younger brother. Mostly because he knew the duties of being mayor would fall to Walter before it did to him, despite how proud he was of his lineage.Felix was a playboy in his younger days, much preferring fun to any sort of serious responsibilities.He married his ex-wife Lizzie, a human, when he was 27 after he accidentally got her pregnant. It was a marriage of convenience for the sake of their son Teo, but Felix was still loyal despite his playboy urges.When Teo was 4, Lizzie decided Wildedale was too much for her and left both Felix and Teo. They never heard from her again after that. Felix festered a grudge against her for leaving him to care for Teo alone and wasting years of his life being faithful to her, but he always remained a little grateful to her for giving him his precious son.
"Well, aren't you a sweet thing? I should slap a price tag on ya and put you on the shelf, sugar! ... Don't tell Walt I said that."
Wildedale Residents

SPECIES: bull demihuman
AGE: 22
ORIGIN: wildedale
OCCUPATION: general store worker
LIKES: his dad, his uncle, attention, pretty girls, feeling powerful
DISLIKES: being rejected, being alone, sugary things
Named after his however-many-great-grandfather Teodolio, Teo is a bit of a pompous asshole with a superiority complex to put it lightly.Teo is a bit too proud of his lineage and does not have the grace to handle it the way his father Amos and his uncle Walter do. Teo will hardly ever pass up the "My Uncle's the Mayor" and "My Great-Great-Great-Great Grandpa was the Town's Founder" lines whenever he possibly can, especially when picking up pretty girls.Although Amos raised him well, he's a bit of a brat that doesn't like being told "no". But he also has abandonment issues from his mother leaving him when he was only 4. He used to date Gemma when they were teenagers, but it ended badly since his eyes were constantly wandering.He has it in his head that one day he'll become mayor after Walter serves his term, but Walter is just too sweet to break it to him that he's just not cut out for the job and the town might not see him as the right fit.Teo's delusional enough in his own view of himself to convince himself otherwise, though.
"Well aren't you a-... what'dya mean my dad used that line on you already?! That's my line!"
Wildedale Residents

SPECIES: brown bear demihuman
AGE: 28
ORIGIN: canada
OCCUPATION: groundskeeper
LIKES: nature, his brother, kids, (unironically) honey
DISLIKES: mean people, feeling embarrassed, hurting others
Morris and his twin brother Ozzy emigrated from Canada to America after learning about the existence of Wildedale. Their parents were content living a shut in life hidden away from humans, but the twins wanted more out of life.Morris was always a loving child who was very in touch with nature and living in Wildedale allowed him to spend his days tending to the flora and fauna while surrounded by beings uniquely the same as him. Growing up, he was teased quite a lot for being shy and quiet.Morris doesn't mind getting mixed up with his brother. He finds it funny. And his brother is his best friend, his favorite person in the world. Despite only being born 4 and a half minutes before Ozzy, he takes the big brother role very seriously.Morris loves his job as groundskeeper and helps out around town wherever his services may be needed. Morris tends to put others before himself more often than not, his heart just as big as his muscles.
"I can show you where the prettiest flowers in Wildedale grow... if you're interested."
Wildedale Residents

SPECIES: brown bear demihuman
AGE: 28
ORIGIN: canada
OCCUPATION: groundskeeper
LIKES: his brother, the tavern, nights out in town
DISLIKES: anyone who talks badly about his brother, visiting his parents, fruity drinks, his given name
Ozzy and his twin brother Morris emigrated from Canada to America after learning about the existence of Wildedale. Their parents were content living a shut in life hidden away from humans, but the twins wanted more out of life.While his brother is the shy, silent type, Ozzy is the strong, silent type... unless he's had a few drink. Then, you could hear his howling laughter from The Tavern all the way down by the boardwalk across town.Ozzy was born 4 and a half minutes after Morris, but he was always silently more protective over his brother, letting Morris believe he plays the "big brother" role out of love for him. Ozzy always admired his brother's quiet strength to ignore those who teased him when they were young, but Ozzy wasn't that kind of strong... since he'd beat the bullies' asses after school behind the dumpster for teasing his brother.Ozzy works alongside Morris as the town's second groundskeeper and usually takes on jobs requiring more strength and muscle while Morris tends to work that requires a more delicate touch.
"Don't mistake my silence for weakness, I'm just thinking of all the ways I'm gonna kick your ass later."
Wildedale Residents

SPECIES: deer demihuman
AGE: 34
ORIGIN: wildedale
OCCUPATION: owner and caretaker at bennett stables
LIKES: horses, wildedale festivals, teaching, kids
DISLIKES: people who are cruel to animals, cold weather, jazz music
Ted was born and raised in Wildedale and inherited Bennett Stables from his parents when they passed away some five years ago. Ted was a bit of a coddled boy growing up, so losing his parents was hard on him for a long while.Still, he found his footing by taking up the mantle and pouring his heart and soul into caring for the stables and the horses. While his equine friends made for good company, Ted typically feels lonely more often than not.He tries filling that gap by offering riding lessons to kids at the stables and hosting family days for residents and visitors to interact and have fun with the animals, trying to harvest up that energy to fulfill himself.But even when he's feeling down, you'd never know it. Ted is all heart. He may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but he sure knows how to make a person feel good about themselves even when they may not do the same for him.
"You think the horses are cold out in the barn? Should I knit them sweaters? ... Hey, can you teach me how to knit?"
Wildedale Residents

SPECIES: black panther demihuman
AGE: 28
ORIGIN: indonesia
OCCUPATION: odd jobs
LIKES: the rain, solitude, sleeping in and staying up late
DISLIKES: pretty much everything
Back in 1996, Indonesia ran rampant with underground demihuman breeding rings. Mickey was one of those children born from one of those operations.He never had any real parental connections, only caretakers who tended to the children like animals at a zoo to prepare them to be sold off to the highest bidders.Mickey, with his cunning and crafty nature at just the age of 9, escaped the underground facility and stowed away on a boat, ending up on American soil.A street rat most of his life, Mickey was a scavenger who survived the best he can with what he could get his hands on. And although he was a cynical child, he never once complained.He eventually found himself in Wildedale through sheer luck where he was welcomed with open arms. He's grateful to finally have a home, but he'd never say it out loud. Instead, he sulks around town doing odd jobs for those in need to pay his keep silently
"I'd prefer it if you didn't speak to me."
Wildedale Residents

SPECIES: bobcat demihuman
AGE: 22
ORIGIN: california
OCCUPATION: waitress at the tavern
LIKES: sour candy, the forest, the smell of rain
DISLIKES: people who have a staring problem, swimming, teo
Sydney grew up in California in an area were demihumans were accepted, but looked at like circus attractions. As a child, she experienced strangers stopping to stare at her and take pictures of her family in public and she developed a cynical view of humans.When Sydney was 18, she decided to leave California after overhearing some tourists talking about Wildedale, deciding to take a chance and find a place to live among others like her.She loves Wildedale, but is still very cynical of other people, especially men... and especially Teo who she constantly has to remind where her eyes are.She began waitressing at The Tavern as it was an easy job and she likes working nights. Otherwise, she spends her time out in the forest near her home just taking in the peace and quiet.Sydney may seem like she has a hard exterior, but she's really a softie deep down. She just takes a little more time than others to learn how to trust.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer. And if you do, I'll break your fingers."
Wildedale Residents
SPECIES: wolf demihuman
AGE: 26
ORIGIN: wildedale
OCCUPATION: stocker at the general store
LIKES: exercising, eating, cuddling, napping
DISLIKES: hot weather, coffee, hard candy, warren
Growing up, Miles was always a good kid. He did alright in school and never really got into trouble. He and his best friend Wesley were stuck together like glue growing up, just being quiet kids together, wandering around town, throwing rocks off the dock on the boardwalk, occasionally watching pretty girls shopping in the town square from afar. To this day, Miles and Wesley remain attached at the hip, living together as roommates.Miles is cool, calm, and collected. Not much bothers him and not much excites him either. Unless he's in a spat with Warren which happens more often than not. At first, he couldn't be bothered by the sulky werewolf... until he called Miles a "lazy lapdog". From then on, a rivalry was born.Some people may say that Miles is boring. That he lives a monotonous life. But in Miles' eyes, there's really no other way to live in Wildedale.
"Scratch behind my ears while I nap?"
Wildedale Residents
SPECIES: rabbit demihuman
AGE: 36
ORIGIN: new york city
OCCUPATION: accountant to the mayor
LIKES: healthy foods, clean clothing, neat surroundings
DISLIKES: dirt, nature, meat, being called cute, alcohol
Seth was born to be a man in finance. He had the brains, the quick thinking, the snark, the ability to calculate numbers in any fashion without breaking a sweat... if only it weren't for his bunny ears.He excelled in school, was intent on becoming a Wall Street stockbroker from a young age. He could imagine how he would rule those trading rooms. But when the time came and he walked through those doors that promised a gilded path to the life he always wanted, he was laughed out of the building. One look at those hard to hide rabbit ears and Wall Street had the laugh of a century.The humiliation sent him into flight mode straight out of New York City and into Wildedale. The town wasn't his style. It was too quaint, too quiet, not enough opportunity to assert his intelligence. But he stayed and became the accountant to Mayor Quince, helping manage the town's budgets and expenses.
"If you're looking for financial advice, make an appointment. If you're just looking for conversation, then I'd advise you look elsewhere."
Wildedale Residents

SPECIES: fox demihuman
AGE: 25
ORIGIN: wildedale
OCCUPATION: owner and caretaker at montgomery farm
LIKES: wildedale, working the farm, tending to animals and crops, fresh fruits
DISLIKES: snowy weather, yelling, confrontation
Ruby was raised on the farm and was helping tend to it from the moment she could walk and use her hands. She loved it from a young age, finding a certain freedom in farm work.As her parents grew older, their bodies not as capable for farm work as they used to be, she happily "retired" them and took on the responsibility of managing the farm with the help of a few farmhands and residents who visit to volunteer in their free time.Ruby was always bright and cheerful, her tenderness and love for all beings making her a friend of all in Wildedale.
"You mind helping me round up the chickens while we talk?"
Wildedale Residents

SPECIES: fennec fox demihuman
AGE: 24
ORIGIN: england
OCCUPATION: petty criminal
LIKES: tricks, pranks, slight of hand, risky business, the sheriff
DISLIKES: hardly anything
Finley was always a sneaky rascal back in England. He was a crafty kid that was a little too sly and slippery for his own good. But he never means any harm, he just likes to have a bit of fun. He's a regular old Robin Hood. He steals from the rich and... well, he keeps it for himself.When his stomping grounds in England became too familiar and predictable, he traveled across the ocean to the town of Wildedale where he heard people like him live together comfortable and happy. And he just couldn't pass up the opportunity to find a new place to make some waves.When he arrived in Wildedale, The Mayor welcomed Finley into town and it didn't take long for Finley to start being the most annoying little nuisance he could possibly be. While the sheriff has made it his life's mission to catch Finley, The Mayor finds it charming and funny to have a harmless little rascal like Finley to shake things up around Wildedale.
"I would tell you to 'look over there', but I'm afraid I've already nicked your watch, darling."
Wildedale Residents

SPECIES: cat demihuman
AGE: 29
ORIGIN: seattle
LIKES: teaching, well behaved students, reading
DISLIKES: broccoli, grading homework, brats, toby
Vincent grew up in Seattle, Washington with his single mother who is human. He never knew his father, but he was always convinced it never affected him growing up. He was perfectly content with just his mother caring for him.He pursued a career in education, but it was hard for him to hold a position in the classroom since the kids never really took him seriously. Even someone as level-headed and calm as Vincent would eventually feel too disheartened to continue.His mother convinced him to go to Wildedale to try and live a better life with people more like him. Vincent was hesitant to leave her, but eventually went and started a new life where he is able to teach core education to middle and high school aged students, as well as English and Literature to college aged students in Wildedale.Vincent still goes to Seattle to visit his mother during school breaks. He wishes for her to come back with him every time, but she always tells him to live his life without him having to take care of her.He'd never admit it, but he does get lonely without someone to come home to after a day of work.
"When's the last time you read a book? Your vocabulary could use some... improvement."
Wildedale Residents

SPECIES: hare demihuman
AGE: 22
ORIGIN: england
OCCUPATION: bakery assistant
LIKES: pastries, anything sweet, laying out in the sun
DISLIKES: being told no, not being the center of attention
Gemma grew up in England and was raised by her grandmother, Julie, who is human. She never knew her parents as they died when she was just a baby, but her grandmother was more than enough for her growing up.Julie taught Gemma how to bake at a young age and she proved to be very skilled at navigating the ways of pastries and sweets, but she still can't cook a regular meal for the life of her.Gemma and Julie moved to Wildedale as Julie became older to ensure that Gemma would have a place to fit in and make a life for herself once Julie passed.Gemma, while sweet as pie, was very spoiled by her doting grandmother. She loves attention and can be a bit of a brat when she doesn't get what she wants. She's an expert when it comes to the art of pouting.
"My gran says I'm sweet as pie! You agree, don't you...? Don't you?!"
Wildedale Residents

SPECIES: moose demihuman
AGE: 26
ORIGIN: wildedale
OCCUPATION: farmhand
LIKES: quiet, bonfires, beer, fall weather
DISLIKES: his antlers, being tall, teo
Wesley was a quiet kid growing up in Wildedale. He always wanted to be overlooked and hated having any sort of attention on him, but it didn't help that he grew faster than all the kids in his grade and his antlers were like the centerpiece of every room he was in.He became fast and lifelong friends with Miles because the guy just didn't seem to care that Wesley towered over everyone and had to sidestep through every doorway the way that everyone else did.Wesley works as a farmhand for Ruby at the farm and he has a love/hate relationship with the job. He loves the solitude of the job, but hates that he's so good at it because he's so damn big and strong, figuring he'd never be able to be effective in any sort of job that wasn't manual labor.Wesley doesn't have much of a positive outlook in regards to his future. He works the farm, hangs out with best friend and roommate Wesley, and goes to bed only to do it all again the next day. He's not sure if he's content with living the rest of his life in this loop, but he's not quite sure if he would welcome adventure should it find him, either.
"Do you mind not staring at my antlers? Or... at least wait until I've turned my back."
Wildedale Residents

SPECIES: alligator demihuman
AGE: 30
ORIGIN: louisiana
OCCUPATION: fisherman
LIKES: sunny weather, swimming, hanging out at the boardwalk
DISLIKES: overly smart people, snobs, most people except for Gemma
Eddie isn't the friendliest of faces in Wildedale. He's polite enough when he has to be, but he'd prefer not to engage in conversation if he can help it.Growing up, Eddie spent most of his time in the swamps of Louisiana noodling and digging around in the mud for treasures just for fun. He was never really the academic type, dropping out of high school before grade 10, making pocket change selling fish he caught at the fish markets.When his father passed away, he no longer wished to live in his childhood home alone, so he left the swamps and decided to give Wildedale a shot. At that time, Wildedale was eager to have a skilled fisherman join the town to help supply the shop with fresh fish and Mayor Quince jumped on the opportunity to welcome him.While his home on the boardwalk wasn't the swamps, it was wet and secluded enough for Eddie to accept the offer and become Wildedale's resident fisherman.
"If you fall off the dock, don't expect me to jump in and save you."
Wildedale Residents

SPECIES: dog demihuman
AGE: 28
ORIGIN: wildedale
OCCUPATION: delivery boy at the general store
LIKES: long walks, snuggling, ice cream, animals, vincent
DISLIKES: mean people, rainy days, warren
There he is! Wildedale's resident good boy!Born and raised in Wildedale, no one is happier to be a Wildedale native like Toby is. He's sunshine and rainbows wrapped up in baggy streetwear.Toby is everyone's best friend (not Warren, though... Toby's a bit scared of him). Growing up, the adults loved his sweet energy and the kids always thought he made playtime just a little more fun. As an adult, he has a habit of tiring people out with his nonstop energy and impossible sense of optimism, but they love him anyway.Toby is a loverboy all around. He dotes and cares for his mother and works hard to make sure everyone in town gets their food and supply deliveries from the general store. He'd do it even if he wasn't getting paid!
"Isn't it funny how Vince's ears always twitch when I tell him about my day? He must be listening really hard! How cute is that?!"
Wildedale Residents

SPECIES: half elf
AGE: 23
ORIGIN: iceland
OCCUPATION: bartender/cook at the tavern
LIKES: good food, tending to patrons, clear nights
DISLIKES: liars, being hit on, talking about her past
Celia's past is not well known to the residents of Wildedale. She tends to keep her cards close to her chest when it comes to divulging in her life back in Iceland with her former Elven troupe.Celia has made a life in Wildedale as The Tavern's keeper, and that's all that seems to matter to her.She is extremely adept as a bartender and a cook, slipping in just a touch of magic into everything she touches to make everything being consumed just a little bit sweeter or a little more savory. Her magic touch ensures that her patrons in Wildedale leave The Tavern satisfied and always wanting to come back for more.
"Stop by The Tavern tonight! We can talk all about your day over a warm drink."
Explore Wildedale

Explore Wildedale
Quince Memorial Park
The Quince Memorial Park was named in honor of the town's founder and first mayor Teodolio Quince.A place to sit, relax and enjoy the fresh air, residents of Wildedale frequently spend time unwinding here at the park with friends and family.The park is also the hosting ground of the Farmer's Market every Sunday when Wildedale's local farmers and the newest shipments of fresh fruits, vegetables, and other goods are put up and sold in stalls.
Explore Wildedale
The General Store
The Wildedale General Store is the one stop shop for all of the town's residents run by father and son, Felix and Teo Quince.Through import purchasing from the surrounding counties, Wildedale is able to obtain goods necessary to sustain the well-being of its residents.From medicine to food to entertainment, the general store has it in stock.
Explore Wildedale
Wildedale has its very own dedicated and accredited school system for all school aged children as well as continuing education adults.While Wildedale encourages its young adult residents to explore the world and engross themselves in life outside of Wildedale, most choose to stay out of the comfort of being with their own kind to avoid potential flare ups with humans.Many of the school staff are born and bred Wildedale elders who help to pass down traditions and life skills with their years of life experience, but younger staff like Connie and Vincent offer fresh perspective for curious young minds.
Explore Wildedale
Montgomery Farm has been generationally run by the Montgomery family since the founding of Wildedale.
The modest farmland is currently run and tended to by Ruby Montgomery and her farmhands.The farm provides various fruit and vegetable stock as well as animal products such as cow milk, eggs, and cheese to the town.The Montgomery stall at the Farmer's Market every Sunday is a popular choice for all residents who love fresh, locally farmed goods.
Explore Wildedale
Bennett Stables is a fan favorite among the residents of Wildedale.Our town's own Ted Bennett keeps the stables up and running with the help of volunteers who just want to come by and spend some time with the horses.During the Spring, Fall, and Summer months, Bennett Stables welcome families to join in on horse riding lessons and basic animal husbandry lessons.The stables also have a tremendous hand in Wildedale's annual Spring and Summer Festivals, offering fun activities for children and families to interact with the horses!
Explore Wildedale
Our department may be small, but our sheriff and deputy are mighty!We are proud to say that crime occurrences in Wildedale are next to none, our community coinciding and living peacefully together.Sheriff Amos and his son Deputy Will maintain our town's air of peace and civility and ensure that outsiders enjoy their time visiting Wildedale while remaining respectful of those who reside here.
Explore Wildedale
The hottest spot in all of Wildedale is right here at The Tavern!All ages are welcome, The Tavern more than happy to serve cravings and dietary preferences, food and drink alike.The Tavern also offers rentable rooms up on the second floor for visitors who consider extending their stay in Wildedale.Our resident bartender, Celia, has the magic touch when it comes to food and drink at The Tavern. We don't know how she does it, but the reviews speak for themselves!
Explore Wildedale
The Wildedale Boardwalk is a popular spot for those who enjoy peace and quiet, like our resident fisherman Eddie who lives over at the end of the docks.Whether you want to sit and relax, take a rowboat out on the water, or maybe even enjoy the naturally romantic ambiance at night, the boardwalk is the perfect place for anyone who finds solace by the water.
Explore Wildedale
The butcher shop in Wildedale is for our less herbivore-inclined residents.Resident butcher, Warren, is a master with a cleaver and takes care to help provide fresh meat to our carnivorous residents with the help of imported game from surrounding counties.The butcher shop tries to keep an appropriate stock of meat with less... exotic options to not offend any of the other non-meat eating residents.